Silver Spoon Estate

Victoria | Heathcote

Our Review

When Peter and Tracie Young purchased an existing shiraz vineyard (planted around '99) on the top of the Mt Camel Range in '08, they did not waste any time. They immediately planted a second vineyard, constructed a small winery and in ’13 acquired a neighbouring vineyard. The estate name comes from the Silver Spoon fault line that delineates the Cambrian volcanic rock from the old silver mines on the property. Peter became familiar with vineyards when working in the '70s as a geologist in the Hunter Valley and subsequently completed the master of wine technology and viticulture degree at the University of Melbourne. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Winemaker Peter Young
Viticulturalist Peter Young
Region Heathcote
Address 503 Heathcote-Rochester Road, Heathcote, Mount Camel, Vic 3523
Established 2008
Dozens 2000
Vineyards (area) 22 ha
Opening Hours Fri–Sun 10.30–5
Telephone 0412 167 927